Two naked muscle guys

Under the Western Sun by Henry Scott Tuke

This bright picture of young naked muscle guys brings us to the sunny summer time at the seashore. Handsome youthful guys just had a bath in a warm sea totally naked and a wiping themselves with towels.

At the same time they are looking at each other as if studying each others bodies.

naked guys art painting

The dark-haired guy opens completely his slender muscle body to be observed by his friend who is a little shy and seats half-turned on a rock hiding his young beauties but looking at the dark-haired guy with great interest.

This is a moment of two beautiful young males being totally open to each other, showing a male beauty to a friend and enjoying his slender muscle body as reward.

There is no fear of being spotted that you do something wrong. It is a true moment that men can have more then a friend ship, a moment of mutual adoration between two beautiful guys.

Bring that feeling into your life with a copy of this wonderful painting on a print o canvas! Let it remind you of shiny summer days and that young slender boys discovering their feeling for the first time.

naked guys canvas print

Grab your “Under The Western Sun” art print here!

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